10 Must-Read Digital Transformation Books

Here is a collection of digital transformation books from a technology, product, organisation and strategic perspective. One of the great fallacies of digital transformation initiatives is that it is the preserve of the technical function, be it the CIO or the CTO’s remit. A truly successful digital initiative requires the mobilisation of the entire business. These books explain both the how and why, including highlighting any pitfalls. Note, this post collates reviews from two previously published posts for convenience. The … Read more…

The Smart Products Pipeline – Using DevOps to roll out AI & ML applications

In the previous two posts in this series, we saw that created a connected product, is of itself no guarantee of creating a successful business stream. While connectivity can provide great customer experiences, this only leads to a sustainable product strategy if there is a continuous revenue stream behind the proposition, either directly from the customer, or indirectly through other parties. The key to generating this on-going revenue, and with it, long-term sustainability, is using the data collated by connected … Read more…